How far along: 37 weeks
Size of baby: watermelon
Total weight gain/loss: + 27 pounds!
Maternity clothes: DUHHHHH! But even maternity clothes are getting too small. Maternity dresses are way too short in front... grrr.
Stretch marks: Yes, and doubling daily.
Sleep: Sleep has been awesome. I just am getting up at least 3 times a night to use the bathroom, which is quite annoying.
Best moment(s) last week: Finding out that I was 1 1/2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. I know this is normal but it was reassuring to me that my body knows what to do.
Movement: YES! ALL the time. He is head down so Shane and I have an idea what is moving, we can tell the difference between a hand and a foot.
Food cravings: Sushi, fruit, sweets, ranch
Gender: BOY!
Belly button - in or out: Out... farther than out... its so odd looking
What I miss: Not having a belly. I am running into things, I can't squeeze into small spaces and I am constantly spilling on my belly ledge.
What I am looking forward to: Due Date!!!
Milestones: I'm officially full term. So whenever this guy wants to make his appearance, we will LOVE it!